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Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Greetings and grace to you from God the Father who has loved us by giving us His only Son!

This is the kind of love that marks the true invisible church, those truly born again.  Love is not an option for the church.  It is the most important attribute of the church.  Since the wages of sin is death, it required the love of God our maker to save us from it.  We the people, who make up the church, are the vessel Christ has chosen to use to reach His world with the saving knowledge of Christ.  When we fail to love we tear down the integrity of the Gospel message of God’s mercy for lost souls.  

It is extremely important that we love each other at home; love each other in our marriages, in the church; love each other in our neighborhoods and even love our enemies.

Without Love we are a clanging symbol and the Gospel message is completely lost.   

May God grant us the grace to love each other at the River’s Edge!

Pastor John


Other Scripture Referenced…


Romans 12:1 
Romans 5:5 
Romans 7:22 
John 1:14 
Psalm 119:10, 20, 40, 43, 127, 131, 174, 176 
Psalm 23 
1 Corinthians 13