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Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

We’re taking a break from our exposition of Romans (going verse by verse) for yet another week, but still being guided by part of a verse that we studied a few of weeks ago, Romans 12:2a Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…

That was our focus last week and will be this week: what it means to have our minds renewed. Last week we asked and answered the question, “Why do we need our minds renewed?”. Today we’ll ask and seek to answer the question, “How can my mind be renewed?” We don’t renew them ourselves…God does, by His Word through the Holy Spirit!

Part of Psalm 119 will guide us this morning in seeing how our minds are renewed when we read, study, memorize and meditate on God’s Word. May you be richly blessed as His Word dwells in you richly!